Depreciation Calculator

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The Depreciation Calculator calculations are based on approximate building costs for a standard dwellings and units with no allowance for air conditioning and loose furniture and fittings. These costs are an indication only, as at 1 January 2005.

As building costs vary widely according to location, construction methods, materials and standards of finish, you will need to consult a Property Wealth Australia Pty Ltd. representative as to specific claim amounts.

This website contains general advice only and does not take into account individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on this advice, you should assess whether it is appropriate.

Cost values utilised for calculations contained in this report are an approximation only and could vary outside the ranges indicated once a formal inspection has been completed and report finalised. A detailed taxation depreciation schedule illustrating separate values of all commonly owned plant and equipment (in the case of strata titled properties), privately owned plant and equipment, accurate construction costs and the correct entitlement of the construction allowance will be required in order to lodge a successful claim with the Australian Taxation Office.

While all reasonable care and attention has been taken in the compilation of these indicative figures, the calculations provided are intended to be used only as a guide. It has been prepared from unverified information, incomplete data and provides only a broad range of figures which are intended to be indicative and not precise.

Property Wealth Australia Pty Ltd make no representations or warranties about the calculations accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and liability (including without limitation liability in negligence) for all claims, expenses, losses, damages and costs which you may incur as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way.

By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the above.





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© Copyright Propertywealth Australia Pty Ltd 2005

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“It is a testament to Paul and his team that I was able to obtain such outstanding returns”
- David Khokhar